Have You Ever Played An Escape Room At Home?

Have You Ever Played An Escape Room At Home?


Escape rooms are A-M-A-ZING! But have you ever tried an Escape Game at home?

Now we all know the UK is extremely unreliable weather wise so there will inevitably be times during the summer holidays when you just want to spend a day inside with the family and friends. Escape games are a great way to spend a cosy day or evening inside.

If you feel like your games night needs more excitement maybe this is what you’ve been missing. It is always a fun activity to bring out at family gatherings or if you are visiting friends. Plus, if you know someone that is reluctant to do an actual escape room this would be a perfect alternative! You can chill in your jammies with good food and drink and solve riddles and puzzles together!

Our Exit games are a great one to start with, as you can pick the level of your game and the theme that interests you most. It is a great way to bond and also improve your Escape skills for when you visit an escape room. We have a variety of games that you can either buy here at Escapism Chester or click on 'SHOP' at the top of this page to explore our stock! 

Have the fun and excitement of the escape from the comfort of your own home!



Book Online, Call 01244 377 297
or email [email protected] for more info

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